ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is an international federation of national standards bodies (ISO member organizations). International level preparation work is usually carried out by ISO technical committees. Each member organization is interested in the matter where the technical committee is set up and is entitled to be represented on that committee. International organizations, both government and non-governmental organizations, in conjunction with ISO, are also engaged in the work. The ISO cooperates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all issues of electrotechnical standardization
ISO 9001 aims to provide a practical Quality Management System to improve and to monitor all areas of your business Implementing ISO 9001 will help you to focus on the important areas of your business and improve efficiency & will sort the business and will make it run smoother than ever before! ISO 9001 serves all types and sizes of organisations/industries as it helps them:- 1. Organize Processes 2. It makes the processes more efficient. 3. Continually improve
ISO 9001 standard increases industry's credibility by showing its customers that their services and products meet customer's expectations. In other cases ISO Certifications are also required or mandated legally.The certification process is fairly easy and simple. For more Information Kindly Get In Touch.